Financial Services. Transformed.


Thrive in uncertainty

There has never been less certainty for traditional finance providers with the industry facing structural challenges like tightening regulatory compliance, fleeting customer trust, intensifying competition, and disconnected data in legacy IT systems.

Inaction means lost opportunities, revenue, and customers. However, for the financial services leaders with an appetite and a determination to embrace the latest technology, the upside of evolution has never been greater.

Irada’s range of carefully crafted data-driven and intelligent digital solutions can help you adapt to market conditions, gain operational excellence, and find profitable new opportunities in changing times.

Ready to make a start?

Whether you’re in the planning stage of your digital evolution or ready to embrace advanced analytics and AI solutions, Irada is your long-term partner from strategy and design to execution and support.

Get in touch with our specialists on 1300 247 232 or

Focus on results

Our team has done extensive work for bank and non-bank lenders. We combine our financial services industry experience, a deep understanding of the data that drives your business, and advanced analytics technologies to deliver tailored results that matter.

  • Be the preferred credit provider for mortgage brokers with holistic and convenient engagement
  • Shorten the time to approve consumer loan applications
  • Streamline your customer-centric compliance and onboarding processes
  • Deploy transparent, sound, and insightful IFRS 9 expected credit loss impairment models
  • Leverage new sources of data and faster builds to increase credit scorecards lift